Birthdays. Modern society has made the recording of one's life's passing a necessity with every other law requiring a person to have lived for so many years to do things. the ages are supposed to reflect maturity, but the two (age and maturity) are rarely if ever directly related. Basically just because you're older, doesn't mean you're wiser. While I absolutely love getting gifts on my birthday, I think that less emphasis should be put on experience and more on gains from those experiences.
Relationships. At first its nice to celebrate that a couple made it for a year or so, because when people are young, its rare for a love to last. But when you're celebrating your 17th anniversary, its almost like you didn't think it would happen, even though you're happy it did. Once you get up into the big numbers like 30s and 40s so on, then its celebration-worthy because that doesn't usually happen. But anniversaries still give a great way for people to be romantic and offer one more day to show the love and who doesn't love an excuse to go on vacation.
Special events. Anything from the beginning of a business, to the start of a blog to the day that rack fell down on Jerimiah's head (and he just ain't been quite the same), these tend to vary depending on the event.
All of these boil down to two questions:
What exactly are you celebrating?
Why is that celebration-worthy?
And are judged based on the anwers.
And your thoughts?
And your thoughts?
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