Monday, December 17, 2007


Absolutism Does Not Exist

That can't be true. If absolutism does not exist, then the fact that there is not absolutism is not absolutely accurate, so absolutism must exist, by the very statement that states that it does not.

I think, though this is due to change at any given moment, that absolutism is something that human beings strive for as a way of simplifying life and its many problems, but that the concept of absolutism is otherwise foreign to the natural world. Throughout history, science has been the search of finite, unquestionable, correct solutions to questions we have about the world we live in. Mathematics, a human created scientific concept, is one area in which absolutism runs free. Math is also called the true science, because of the constant accuracy it turns out. The other sciences' most stark difference is their relation to the real world. Though math can be used to find solutions from the real world, that usually falls into some other field of science, such as physics or chemistry, in which it is virtually impossible to account for all variables, since nothing in the real world ever seems to happen as perfectly as it does in theory.

Brain hurts...need sleep...whatcha think? Any arguments?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Is a bitch. All I really have to say about it. I'm tired of having to have crap shoved down my throat. There are so many ways to teach that are so much funner for everyone involved. America's (sorry the people in charge of America have) got this stupid idea that students are little books to be written in, and nothing falls out. If something falls out, its their fault they didn't work hard enough to hold the binding together. Sometimes there just aren't enough pages, sometimes it rains, sometimes the pen is just too hard to pick up. Sometimes the authors don't agree with each other.
What if school taught kids to want to write in their books? What if school taught that a full book was a cool book? What if school taught kids to like to learn? A cultivated interest in knowledge will go farther than seventeen years of knowledge learned for a few tests. An interest in knowledge could keep people smart all their lives, more interested in news, politics, the world around them. An interest could keep seniors tech literate and build bonds that are unimaginable now.
Almost everyone thinks, or has thought that being a scientist would be a cool job. Why? Because they get to discover things, they get to learn, they get to make the textbook, they get to know all there is to know. They all love what the area they're working in. What if everyone was a scientist. They could still be firefighters, burger flippers, politicians, or whatever, but they could all be adding to the world's unfathomable repository of knowledge. A sharing of ideas by billions of people. A social Internet. All through a change of educational attack.

If we can teach an unwilling senior calculus, I think we could teach someone to love Biology.

Or I could be wrong?

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I have had another epiphany about government. What about a layered democracy? My civics teacher had a good point that a pure democracy just wouldn't work. People in Orlando wouldn't care if a road got paved in Seattle, so their votes wouldn't really count. But what if people in Seattle voted for the road in Seattle, the people in Orlando voted for the new airport in Orlando? What if the people in Georgia voted for a new interstate that would go from Atlanta, to Savannah, to Alabama? What if the people in America voted for war? A great quote from someone was that it is impossible to govern without the consent of the governed. In my idea, the governing would be the governed. A small administration would still have to exist to decide which laws were voted on at which level, and interpret the laws in place for that purpose. This could lower taxes, because we wouldn't be paying thousands of dollars to have people choosing crap the people they're representing could buy, we could just do it ourselves and save the money. Taxes would still have to be around, of course to pay for that small delgation and public services, like roads. Everything else, like electricity and phone lines, could be commercialized, and kept competitve for the consumer, the public.

Any thoughts?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

USA's Got a few Probs

This isn't a country-hating, flag-burning rant of teen angst. This is my explanation of what's up with the USA.

Let's start with the schools. Due to the international and domestic intellect competitions, schools have had to become more focused on cramming knowledge in our heads than making learining a fun process. Once kids get out of school, they have no desire to learn, so they only get stupider as they forget what they learned. The outcome has been that schools have seen the solution to be to cram more stuff for us to forget into our heads. This means that kids have harder courses, less free time, no recess. No fifth grader should ever think that he's stupid becuase he doesn't know how to spell onamonapia, or however you spell that. Standardized testing has become overwhelimingly oppresive at all levels. School, contrary to many teachers' beliefs, is not just somewhere to learn, it is a place for social development. If we don't learn to communicate and live with people in school, when will we? Gone are the days where a kid had reccess, and learned to enjoy playing Which leads me to weight. Since no one ever learns to enjoy physical activity (remember middle school PE anyone?) why would they ever do it? If no one likes to move, no one will. If they aren't moving, they're being lazy bums. Lazy makes more lazy, so houses and offices fall into disrepair because no one moves to clean them. Kids learn to entertain themselves by sitting at the computer, or in front of the TV instead of by swimming or exploring or anything that requires more than a thumb movement.

While these people are sitting in front of Youtube or the boob tube, they are exposed to some very extreme views on the news, blogs, and on strange Myspace bullitens. These views shift people's views to the point that they are diehard supporters of views on blogs that have no credibility. Then they go to the social settings they never learned to deal with, and argue and fight over these views.

Get a bucket. Politicians. Just the word makes you wanna throw up, right?
Politicians say that monetary fundraisers and donations are a political reality. Government, like most other human creations, dosen't work in reality. It only works in an ideological situation. Thus politicians need to be exposed only to the realitites they need to fix, and the idealism of what they are doing. They are in charge a country of hundereds of millions of people. They need to back off of the realities of getting elected, and into the ideals of what they are going to accomplish once they win. If that's enough, they'll get in. Once they're in, they shouldn't totally change their position. That's exactly what the country hates: slimy, lying, shifty politicians.

People can't whine if they don't participate. That's like saying that it's so unfair to Salvation Army that they aren't getting any donations, and then throwing everything away. HYPOCRITES!!! Even hypocrites hate hypocrits, which is really hypocritical of them. If you don't like how the government is going, vote for the people you think cold make it better.

People have become so obsessed with others. Others like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Eminem. Who cares who was cheating on who? Its their private life. If they have sex in Central Park, that's public. Don't do crap like that in public. Why do we send helicopters to watch a wedding? It probabaly messed everyone's hair up and ruined the reception. Great, you ruined the greatest moment of their lives.

What the f**k is wrong with being gay? If a gay person's hitting on you, go ahead, insult them. Otherwise, what's gonna happen because the two guys next to you on the plane are kissing? They probably think its strange when you and you're boy/girl friend start holding hands. Is your arm gonna fall off because two chicks in California got married? If so, you need to see a doctor about that.

Human beings screw everything up. Religion, government, social systems. Everything works in an idealistic situation. Then the reality of the human race, and specifically it's scum come and mess it up.I eagerly await your arguments, compiments, and miscellanous comments.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Politics and Government

Since I'm supposed to be doing my civics homework right now, I felt that I should at least use an appropriate diversion, instead of just totally blowing it off. I believe that in my musings i have come up with a better, if not perfect, system. It is a republic, like our own country (no, its not a democracy) and has three main branches.
The first branch is the Legislative branch, which functions in much the same function that it does now, with few notable exceptions.
The second branch is the citizens of the United States of America. When a bill is posed to Congress to be voted upon, not only do the elected officials, but the common US citizens vote as well. Permanent polling places would be put up, at least one location per county. Each proposed law would be available for citizens to vote upon for two weeks. Citizens' vote counts for 50%, as does the Congress' vote, because the Congress' votes will most likely be the best informed and educated.
The third branch will be a replacement of both the President and the Supreme Court, and will function as a committee. This committee will vote on whether to veto a bill or not, and whether a bill is unconstitutional or not after having a debate and/or discussion on the subject.
One huge change will be that the voting records of each elected official, in each branch, but not citizens, will be completely public record, in an effort to keep politicians as honest as possible.
I once again retire to await any criticism, etc.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


"Time is an illusion"
No clue who said that. Last night, I randomly started thinking about the concept of time, and I have come up with my own theory about this elusive dimension. In the 3-D world, we are always moving to different locations in space. What if the passage of time was like the movement of a body? What if the supposed boundries of the universe are just the points at which things are in so far away, that we can no longer detect anything? If this is right, then its entirely possible that we have been to the same time many times. According to this theory, going to a time would be like going to a place, so just because we now where we were in 10,000 BC, dosen't mean that everything is the same. Its just like going to your Aunt Suzy's house, just becuase you're there now, doesn't mean that its anything like the time you were there last Christmas. This would mean that the Mayans, and other could be right, that time is a repetitive process, it goes round in circles. Influences of that particular time spot could cause things to happen. Say that a great loss of something occured in a random year, like 1729. When we've gone in our orbit in time, and are back in that spot, we may have another great loss. Say that whenever you're at your Aunt Suzy's house you feel rude, pressured and overwhelmed, the same could be that whenever you're at time spot 86-52b, a major political official dies. Its the same idea.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Change of Heart

Scratch that. I don't think telling the world about my life is such an interesting idea after all. As you can see, it didn't compell me to do much over the last few weeks. I think I may just explain how I see my world and my views about it.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Basics of the Blog

This blog is and will be written by a teenage boy living in the southeast US. Its topics will be the topics that come up in my life. I don't really care if anyone reads this, but it would be nice if someone did. Teenage life can be extremely stressful at times, and its nice to have somewhere to vent off some steam.

Note: Post was made during "Life of a Teen" era