Monday, August 6, 2007

Politics and Government

Since I'm supposed to be doing my civics homework right now, I felt that I should at least use an appropriate diversion, instead of just totally blowing it off. I believe that in my musings i have come up with a better, if not perfect, system. It is a republic, like our own country (no, its not a democracy) and has three main branches.
The first branch is the Legislative branch, which functions in much the same function that it does now, with few notable exceptions.
The second branch is the citizens of the United States of America. When a bill is posed to Congress to be voted upon, not only do the elected officials, but the common US citizens vote as well. Permanent polling places would be put up, at least one location per county. Each proposed law would be available for citizens to vote upon for two weeks. Citizens' vote counts for 50%, as does the Congress' vote, because the Congress' votes will most likely be the best informed and educated.
The third branch will be a replacement of both the President and the Supreme Court, and will function as a committee. This committee will vote on whether to veto a bill or not, and whether a bill is unconstitutional or not after having a debate and/or discussion on the subject.
One huge change will be that the voting records of each elected official, in each branch, but not citizens, will be completely public record, in an effort to keep politicians as honest as possible.
I once again retire to await any criticism, etc.

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