Tuesday, October 7, 2008


While the campaign rages on, I can't help but think: how exactly will Obama or McCain do all of this stuff they're promising right now? According to the Constitution (which I think we're still using), the President does nothing more than suggest legislation. The President does not have the most important word on whether or not any given bill passes. The President has the ability to suggest laws, and to veto laws that aren't overwhelmingly supported in Congress. Neither Obama nor McCain will be able to do all of what they say they're going to do when they get elected, at least not if they want to do it legally. They have more power to make such changes right now, as senators out of the Presidential spotlight, to make any changes to Americas future.


Thursday, June 26, 2008


Since I just realized that this blog's now been around for a little over a year, I've decided to contemplate such landmarks.

Birthdays. Modern society has made the recording of one's life's passing a necessity with every other law requiring a person to have lived for so many years to do things. the ages are supposed to reflect maturity, but the two (age and maturity) are rarely if ever directly related. Basically just because you're older, doesn't mean you're wiser. While I absolutely love getting gifts on my birthday, I think that less emphasis should be put on experience and more on gains from those experiences.

Relationships. At first its nice to celebrate that a couple made it for a year or so, because when people are young, its rare for a love to last. But when you're celebrating your 17th anniversary, its almost like you didn't think it would happen, even though you're happy it did. Once you get up into the big numbers like 30s and 40s so on, then its celebration-worthy because that doesn't usually happen. But anniversaries still give a great way for people to be romantic and offer one more day to show the love and who doesn't love an excuse to go on vacation.

Special events. Anything from the beginning of a business, to the start of a blog to the day that rack fell down on Jerimiah's head (and he just ain't been quite the same), these tend to vary depending on the event.

All of these boil down to two questions:

What exactly are you celebrating?
Why is that celebration-worthy?

And are judged based on the anwers.

And your thoughts?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Other People

"You shouldn't worry about what other people think"

A famous line of supposed maturity and a difficult mantra to obey, right? Wrong. A display of ignorance and a lack of thoughtfulness. No one worries about thoughts. People worry about actions. Actions spring from thoughts. What can one person's brain waves give you to fear?

The fear lies in the actions that spring from thoughts. If one person thinks bad of you (depending on the person, of course) they''ll tell other people, who will think bad of you, and they'll tell other people. You remember the whole if one person tells two people and those people tell two people, in three hours, the whole town knows. Well if the whole town thinks bad of you then, so what, right? So you become an outcast. People think bad of you and so does everyone else, so you are shunned. You can't make friends and those you have leave you. You can't get a date. So on, so forth. With so many people, the group gets confident, and more violent actions.

I'm gonna stop right now, because someone is saying, yah yah, you're a paranoid freak. That kinda crap never happens. Alright. Five people think poorly of you. You liked one of them. Better start looking for a new crush. Guess who's birthday party you're not going to!

Comments? Suggestions? Please!

Friday, March 28, 2008


People are complex polyhedrons of beliefs, ideas and attitudes. I mean that people are not just double-faced, but multi-faced. The modern American practice of Christianity is one example that bugs me to my core. So many people say they are great Christians, especially here in the American southeast. But how do they prove it? Sure they go to church every Sunday, offer as much as anyone else and believe in the Bible and all that their minister or preacher say. How does that make them extra-ordinary Christians? That would put them on the same level as every other member of their congregation and all of the other congregations that Christianity encompasses around the world. What makes a person a great Christian is how they act out of church. Most people who will make sure that you know they are great Christians really aren't. Many "great" Christians are the ones who work all week, while cussing their boss out under their breath, or to their face. Most "great" Christians get drunk on Friday payday, suffer through the hangover on Saturday, and maybe they confess it and ask for forgiveness on Sunday. Maybe not.

The great Christians are the ones you've never heard say a word against another person, except when it was needed and appropriate. The great Christians are the ones who may take real wine during Communion, but don't get drunk. The great Christians are the ones who help others, who don't hold grudges and who are kind. That is what Christianity is supposed to teach. Not to convert or kill all others, but to be tolerant and to respect others' beliefs and teachings. To love all as your neighbor, even your enemies.

I feel better. Your comment, thoughts, corrections?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Evolution vs. Society

The human species has stopped moving towards improvement. I'm speaking specifically about evolution, natural selection, the improvement of the species and why it doesn't happen anymore. When humans stopped migrating, became agrarian and stangnant and had an abundace of food, we formed a society. It made perfect sense at the time, as most things do. As time went on, rulers, governments, trade all came and made the world stronger, and the human healthier, and society more permanent. All the time, the desire to reproduce with the best mate availible fell to a lower priority. The humans that reproduced most were those who enjoyed the act. This eventually made the vast majority of human beings enjoy sex. This, though good for the survival of the species in general, thanks to safety in numbers, was not good for the individual, who was no longer created from people who were beleived by eachother to be the best possible mates, they were created by two people who wanted to have sex. This has and is allowing negative traits to remain in the gene pool. Humans are essentially stagnating in an evolutionary sense.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Life is a Dish

A metaphor we've all heard. "He's just got too much on his plate". The metaphor can be expanded upon, however. Life is commonly called a balancing act. Life is almost like trying to keep a plate balanced on a stick. Sometimes you put too much on one side, and you have to take some off, or put some on the other side. This is huge with time management and athletics. When you have a lot to do, you have to balance all of your responsibilities, so that every thing and everybody gets their due or needed attention. With many sports, you have to sometimes make a certain motion more extreme to teach your body to do the motion correctly when you're not thinking about it. You always have to keep in your mind the final, correct motion, so that you don't keep doing it so extremely. This is like temporarily raising your dish, so that some falls to the other side to balance out that part of your plate. If one side of your plate is raised, another side falls. Similarly, if you start doing something more than is right, you also start doing something less than you should.

A perfect life is a level , well balanced one.