"Time is an illusion"
No clue who said that. Last night, I randomly started thinking about the concept of time, and I have come up with my own theory about this elusive dimension. In the 3-D world, we are always moving to different locations in space. What if the passage of time was like the movement of a body? What if the supposed boundries of the universe are just the points at which things are in so far away, that we can no longer detect anything? If this is right, then its entirely possible that we have been to the same time many times. According to this theory, going to a time would be like going to a place, so just because we now where we were in 10,000 BC, dosen't mean that everything is the same. Its just like going to your Aunt Suzy's house, just becuase you're there now, doesn't mean that its anything like the time you were there last Christmas. This would mean that the Mayans, and other could be right, that time is a repetitive process, it goes round in circles. Influences of that particular time spot could cause things to happen. Say that a great loss of something occured in a random year, like 1729. When we've gone in our orbit in time, and are back in that spot, we may have another great loss. Say that whenever you're at your Aunt Suzy's house you feel rude, pressured and overwhelmed, the same could be that whenever you're at time spot 86-52b, a major political official dies. Its the same idea.